“n” for neon

Scrolling restlessly through Pinterest and Instagram every now and then these goodies appear. But never have we ever though about it in this way. Why let the bars, stores and restaurants have these goodies for themselves… when you can have them IN YOUR BEDROOM!? These are a few picks of our favorites, but let’s be…

Monday Motivation: Do it!

There’s no feeling even close to comparable with the one you get after defeating one of your fears or achieving a goal in Your life. Don’t let something little, like a comment or a thought, get in your way. Don’t let yourself or anyone else keep you from trying new things. all pictures via Tumblr…

Monday Motivation: (What’s the story) Morning Glory?

via Pinterest via Les Éclarieuses via Man Make Coffee via Pinterest IF YOU’RE A NIGHTOWL this heading probably won’t suit you too well, but Oasis did it right. Also it’s Monday and our time to inspire you! The beautiful nights in all its glory  but OH the mornings! This isn’t the first and will definitely not be the…


My guilty pleasure.. I mean, kind of. I am a big, not to say HUGE fan of Halloween. I FRICKIN LOVE IT! Favorite season since day one, I can assure you that. Can you see how excited I get just talking about it? Well, every year I try to come up with new, even more…

Monday Motivation: Dream Big

It the best time of the week, AGAIN. Always aiming to inspire you to do, seE and be everything you could possibly be. This grey and rainy Monday (yes, Sweden is showinG off its best side), we thought, is there anything better than sharing a big INSPO post with our favorite readers….? Nope, we couldn’t…

Monday Motivation: Meatless Monday

We’re sorry if all we ever do is getting serious with you guys. But it’s time again. This monday might be different to other Monday Motivation posts, but we thought that it’s a great opportunity to inspire you to a new lifestyle. Or to change your way of thinking. Or to  get you into the…

Monday Motivation: plan your week

As one of our favorite things to do, no, scratch that, make it obsessions… Anyway, an obsession of ours is writing lists. I mean, we could make lists of everything and everyone. Things we want to do, things that has to be done this week, smoothie bowls we want to try, how much money to…


Keeping it simple might seem as an “easier said than done” kind of saying rather than something you’d like to live by. But trust me on this one when I say: simplicity is the key to everything. 

What’s new angel, go try your wings

What’s new? If the answer is nothing, you’re doing something completely wrong… In our lives there is ALWAYS something going on, a creation, a work in progress, a new pair of shoes or a new favorite drink! You know what, there’s no feeling even close to comparable with the one you get after defeating one…

Plants are friends

Plant stands from Wayfair // Norm Architects // One Kings Lane // Pictures from Pinterest  As you probably know. We are SUCKERS for plants so what’s better a monday night than spending an hour or two charging your inspiration batteries. Pinterest mode is a go!

Don’t Create Limitations

NO. DON’T EVER DO THAT.  Creating limitations will take you no where in life. Why built up a wall for yourself to try and tear down? We believe that limitations are things we say we are afraid of because of fear. Because we don’t believe in ourselves so much we think we could do something. Maybe…